Those who teach and serve often learn the most!

We were excited this week to see a picture posted on Facebook that showed that Soeur Holt received a parcel we had sent to Guyane. Zone conferences meant a movement of post that had arrived in the meantime in Guyane, I received my Christmas Eve package [the package was to be opened on Christmas Eve],…

A bright red Ferrari

As Soeur Holt settles into a new area we struggle to remember all the different people she refers to in her emails. We have to constantly refer back to earlier posts to remind ourselves who everyone is. So with that in mind we will start with an update on three of the people that Soeurs…

Déjà vu

Soeur Holt said goodbye to French Guiana and returned to Guadeloupe this week. So here we are again sat at the computers in Baie Mahault, the entire week seems to be haunted by a feeling of déjà vu, highlighted by the fact that yesterday evening we contacted a Jehovah’s Witness lady who remembered me from…

When you want me but no longer need me then I must go.

This week has been a wonderful week full of miracles in finding efforts and people we are teaching progressing. I was reminded of a quote from Nanny Mcphee where she says that when you want me but no longer need me then I must go. This is especially true as I received my transfer call….

Bonne Annee!!

As we celebrated New Year’s Day this week the event that we are most excited for in 2018 is when Soeur Holt returns home. Although we know she is where she needs to be, it will be lovely to be with her again. While we’re focussed on this the only mention of anything to do…