A real English beauty!

The big news as we move into the new week is that Soeur Holt is moving back into Abymes full time and will not be splitting her time between the two areas. Ironically this comes as she reports that the headaches have disappeared for the moment and, this week has actually felt like a really…

A three day headache!

Soeur Holt has now been out for just about four months (almost three months in Guadeloupe) and she is starting to realise that she has a finite time as a missionary. She’s thinking about her purpose as a missionary and whether she is making the most of her time. It is really good to hear that she…

Only two working computers!!

No photos this week- In explanation we have only found one email place that is open today and it only has 2 working computers so Soeur Needs and I are only having 45 minutes each, plus the usb ports don’t work. We got answers to some questions and reassurance that all is well. There were…