Leaving it all on the field

We didn’t really know what to expect from Soeur Holt’s last email. I guess, in some ways, we thought that she would just be talking about the prospect of coming home. The only clue came in the last sentence describing Sunday night: that evening I started packing… We should have realised that she would remain…

Each life that touches ours for good

This week for Soeur Holt has been focused around gratitude. Her mum had sent her a talk that she had given in Church and this set my week off in its theme of recognising so many tender mercies throughout and God’s good guiding hand; thank you mummy for sharing that with me… One of the…

I don’t want to get off this ride!

It is difficult with Soeur Holt being so far away to hear of any health issues that she has. But events of this week help us know that there are many people who love and care for her. Tuesday was interesting to say the least- to start off with we did studies as usual and…

How can we become ministering missionaries?

What we didn’t realise, and we’re not sure that Soeur Holt did either, is that even at this early stage of her last transfer there will be a series of ‘last’ things. A couple of events of the past week have highlighted just how short the time is. This was the last Zone Conference of…

Learning the voice of the Spirit…

An experience this week shows that even after 17 months Soeur Holt is able to recognise that there are things she can learn. Following up from General Conference I have been studying through certain talks this week and I have truly been uplifted through the counsel and word of modern day prophets, leaders and teachers….

Standing on the shoulders of giants!

Soeur Holt spoke in her email about feeling as though she is standing on the shoulders of giants. This seemed to permeate most of the experiences that she had throughout the week. During General Conference I loved the remark of our new prophet Russell M Nelson that he feels as though he is standing on…

The last transfer begins!

This last week was slightly extended as it was Easter and so emailing was delayed until Tuesday. Tuesday was a difficult day as I am slightly overwhelmed at the moment- Soeur Tepapatahi is leaving TODAY!!!  I’m sure we’ll have more details next week. There were a lot of logistics to work through as well- Soeur…

A testimony reaffirmed

The Sisters’ week began with heading over to the Church for Soeur T’s English exam [this is for a certificate that confirms her proficiency in English and is taken by a lot of non-English speaking missionaries before they go home], simply a conversation with a computer responding to 15 questions. It took her about half…

Rats in the cellar!

The reality of the length of time Soeur Holt has left seems to be sinking in. This week I received an email inviting me to Institute [a study class that takes place in Manchester each week] and although I appreciated the kind thought I didn’t need it. In response my spiritual thought for this week…